Gallery Blueprint.12 announces the launch of their new gallery space with Vipekha Gupta’s first Solo show titled Oscillations, starting 28th January 2021. Over the years, Vipeksha has worked on themes inspired by her meditative practices, mostly the vipassana. Known for her monochrome and grayscale meditative drawings, Vipeksha’s works are schematic capturing the process of metamorphosis that begins with the awakening of the soul.
“Everything that has the nature of arising also has the nature of ceasing.” There is nothing animate or inanimate, organic or inorganic that we can label as permanent, since even as we affixed that label on something it would undergo metamorphosis. The “I” with which we are infatuated is a phenomenon in constant flux. Vedanā is a Pali word that denotes the three feeling states which populate each moment of our lives, the pleasant (Sukhavedana), unpleasant (Dukhavedana), and neutral sensations (Adukkhamasukhavedana). Everything that arises in the mind flows along with sensations .
As we practise the observation of sensations at the experiential level, we become aware that the underlying reality of the world and of ourselves consists of moments of arising and passing away built by the sensations. We begin to experience what real happiness is; not the satisfaction of desire nor the forestalling of fears, but rather liberation from the cycle of desire and fear. Understanding how we are pulled by these three constantly occurring mind states is a way we can gain some freedom. Noticing these sensations and seeing them occurring and passing away, the relishing in them, the danger in them, and the release from them, is a way we can bring our mindfulness, the compassionate awareness of moment to moment experience, into full flower. Sensations provide the nexus where the entire mind-body are tangibly revealed as an impermanent phenomenon leading to liberation.
The physical show is exhibited at Gallery Blueprint.12, New Delhi.