MASH x Ranbir Kaleka, Breath, 2023
India Art Fair, Booth L3, NSIC Grounds

Exhibiting at Booth L3 between 9th – 12th February, 2023, was a multi-channel video installation created by celebrated artist and visionary, Ranbir Kaleka, the idea for ‘Breath’ was conceived in 1996 as a single channel projection on a hanging scroll with a belly painted on it. The artwork is the first iteration articulates the polysemous ‘Breath’.

Still from Breath by Ranbir Kaleka, IAF 2023

Exploring the myriad practices ranging from Yogic traditions of the yore to the significance of breath during the period of pandemic. It makes us acutely aware of the elements of essentialism that we connect with the idea of breath.

As supported by MASH, Breath is a visual allegory on essentialism of each breath that further signifies the simple acts of living.

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