

Half a Sky

About the work:

Shilpa Gupta’s practice since the last two decades has explored the abstract nature of frontiers, often juxtaposing them with elements from nature that defy them or everyday objects which subversively make their way across man-made fences. The series Half a Sky ( 2017) represents our multiple internal beings and the impossibility of harnessing ourselves under singular definitions. It deals with movement and longing, wherein we can belong to many places at the same time and have many places reside inside of us. The current moment further defines how permeable the boundaries are which like the sky cannot be contained.

Artist CV

Shilpa Gupta (b.1976) lives and works in Mumbai, India where she has studied sculpture at the Sir J. J. School of Fine Arts from 1992 to 1997. She had solo shows at Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati, Arnolfini in Bristol, OK in Linz, Museum voor Moderne Kunst in Arnhem, Voorlinden Museum and Gardens in Wassenaar, Kiosk in Ghent, Bielefelder Kunstverein, La synagogue de Delme Contemporary Art Center and Lalit Kala Akademi in New Delhi. She presented a solo project at ‘My East is Your West’, a two-person joint India-Pakistan exhibition, by the Gujral Foundation in Venice in 2015. Gupta’s work has been shown in leading international institutions and museums such as Tate Modern, Museum of Modern Art, Louisiana Museum, Centre Pompidou, Serpentine Gallery, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Mori Museum, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, ZKM, Kiran Nadar Museum and Devi Art Foundation.